In Paris, place for the first verbalizations

The door of a clothing store in the 14th arrondissement of Paris is wide open, fresh air comes out. However, since July 25, traders must imperatively close their doors when the air conditioning is on. The decree issued by the town hall of the capital provides for a fine of 150 euros. A “measure against energy waste“, according to the administrative decision.

The city of Paris has begun to impose fines on businesses that do not comply with the new obligation. Head for rue Daguerre (14th arrondissement), a pedestrian shopping street bathed in sunshine. A municipal police patrol observes the storefronts. Most stores have closed doors. Except a clothing store. “If you turn on the air conditioning, you have to close the door“warned an agent.

In this clothing store, the air conditioning was on. “We came back, the shopkeeper left to turn off the air conditioning and the doors are open, so there is a small problem“, slips the municipal policeman. The shopkeeper is setting up her own system. She ensures that she opens the door and does not put the air conditioning system on, and “as soon as there is a client“, close the door and turn on the air conditioning.”what i do is good“, she tries to reassure herself in front of the municipal agents. Bad luck for Aline, the manager will be fined: 150 euros fine. The police face the incomprehension of the shopkeeper.Have I been given time? In 48 hours, they fall on me. No. I’m not outlaw, I’m here, I love my neighborhood, I love my clients, I fully respect all climatology issues, I understand them, I never said I was against the decree, I’m just saying that I adapt it, I don’t find it fair“, justifies Aline.

On the customer side, most validate the measure. Nathalie, who is shopping with her friend Danielle, completely understands. “It is normal this verbalizationnot“, she reacts. She goes even further and draws a parallel between air conditioning and the terraces of heated cafes, for which it is now forbidden to turn on the heating since last April 1.. “You have to know what you want at a given time“, she advances. “Everyone must bear their responsibilities“, continues Nathalie. Since the start of the controls, two days ago, five stores have been fined in the 14th arrondissement of Paris.

“We are asked to save energy and besides that, the doors are wide open. It is completely illogical”.

Nathalie, customer of a store in the 14th arrondissement


Both Parisians and elected officials are outraged by these practices which are completely irresponsible“, underlines Dan Lert, deputy mayor of Paris in charge of the ecological transition. He came to attend the checks of the day. According to him, the measure is “acclaimed and expected everywhere, in the districts, in the very commercial districts“of the capital.”Everyone understands that leaving the door open with the air conditioning on, which is not done at home, traders should not do it. For the chosen one,these practices must stop“and he is delighted that most stores are playing the game. Out of around forty checks in the 14th arrondissement, five stores were fined in two days.

Elsewhere in France, Bourg-en-Bresse had issued a similar order on July 15. Lyon and Besançon had done the same a few days later. On July 24, the Minister for Energy Transition Agnès Pannier-Runacher announced her intention to generalize this obligation for air-conditioned stores to close their doors throughout the territory, but the decrees have not yet been published.

In Paris, first fines for air-conditioned businesses keeping their doors open – Reportage by Camille Laurent

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