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25 tonnes of organic fruit and vegetables distributed free of charge to the most modest Nantes families, this is the bet of the town hall of the City of the Dukes. Explanations with Valérie Heurtel in the ‘An idea for France’ section of 13 Heures.
“Our idea for France is to create in Nantes in each of the neighborhoods fifty solidarity vegetable gardens in public spaces to provide those who need them with fresh vegetables.” Romaric Perrocheau, project launcher and director of the nature and gardens service at the town hall of Nantes (Loire-Atlantique), is proud to see his vegetables bloom for the most precarious. Each year, 25 tons of vegetables, grown without pesticides or GMOs, are distributed free of charge to families on a low budget.
It is the services of the town hall that maintain these urban vegetable gardens within the green spaces of the city. Locals also come to lend a hand. In one of the many gardens, about thirty families come twice a week to pick up their vegetables for free and leave with the equivalent of a basket of 20 euros. Vegetable gardens which also cultivate friendship and become pretexts for meeting, discussing and having fun. Proof that even in town, gardening is possible. More and more initiatives are being put in place, everywhere in France.