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At the dawn of the tenth day of war, Friday, March 4, more and more Ukrainians want to leave the country. Far from the bombardments, in the west of Ukraine, the city of Lviv. Everyone wants to leave, but the trains are scarce.
In the corridors under the rails, they are thousands. Thousands for a single destination. And sometimes they lose their cool. “Don’t push, we have a baby, calm down”launches a woman. No one knows what time to arrive at the train to Poland. On the quay suddenly, the siren, the alarm sounds. But no question of missing a train. “No, we don’t go down to the shelter”says a Ukrainian woman.
You have to run, because the train is still the safest way to travel. On the platform, there are those who are a little lost. Kharkiv is under bombs, a train goes there anyway. Inside, he East almost emptyin a cabin, are a few sacks of potatoes. Those who climb join their families, with the worry of getting there. On the platforms, there are finally those who are looking for the right car to go to the war zone. “I will defend my city, fight if necessary“says a man. In the main hall, the Ukrainians have their eyes riveted on the bulletin board. There are no more timetables or platform numbers. The trains are still running, but for how long? The crowd is pressing.