In Loire-Atlantique, the director and author of comics Pascal Rabaté presents his film “Les Sans-dents”

They are called “toothless”. An unfortunate expression used by François Hollande when he was President of the Republic to qualify people who could not afford to go to the dentist. It is from this expression, taken up, diverted, booed, that the author and director Pascal Rabaté built the scenario of his new film. It will be released in theaters on April 20, 2022, but the director is already criss-crossing the associative cinemas of the Nantes region to present his feature film in preview.

This is the story of a clan outside the nails. The film The Toothless follows the wanderings of sympathetic and resourceful misfits who have chosen to live against civilization. This mini-tribe illegally recycles our waste to create an amazing hamlet of odds and ends. Life could thus sink if a police team did not follow in their footsteps.

They’re ugly, dirty, but not mean

“The Toothless”

by Pascal Rabaté

Halfway between Jacques Tati and Jacques Reiser, this comedy with Italian accents is dense. We find Yolande Moreau, Gustave Kervern or even François Morel wandering around in this strange universe. A social, caustic and poetic fresco where gentle dreamers hold the leading roles.

To give life to these strange characters, Pascal Rabaté chose to rely on his sketches. And to best signify the downgrading of its “Without teeth”, his film is without dialogue. Toothless people, without words but not without stories. His partner Soisig Ségalou, dancer and actress, slipped into one of the roles quite naturally. “As there are no dialogues, it’s really the body that speaks and what is complicated in roles where there are no words is not to overplay, we tend to do many expressions of fear of not being understood”, she points out.

“Les Sans-Dents”, French film directed by Pascal Rabaté – with Yolande Moreau, Gustave Kervern, François Morel, David Salles, Charles Schneider

Duration: 1h25 – National release on April 20, 2022

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