in Lille, Secours populaire prepares its marauding raids


Video length: 1 min

Christmas and end-of-year celebrations: in Lille, Secours populaire is preparing its raids

A few hours before Christmas, members of Secours populaire Lille are hard at work preparing their maraudes. They will do one every evening during the winter. – (France 3)

A few hours before Christmas, members of Secours populaire Lille are hard at work preparing their maraudes. They will do one every evening during the winter.

In the premises of the popular relief of Lille (North), everyone is busy for the traditional Christmas maraude. This year, Yves is in charge of the hot chocolate: “We make about 4 liters of chocolate”. Most of the beneficiaries of Secours populaire are people homeless or isolated people. To bring the Christmas spirit, nothing was left to chance, including an improvised New Year’s Eve table, offering cakes and drinks of your choice.

“No one forgotten during the holidays”

“Many do not have a home or are no longer in contact with their family and it is extremely important to be able to create this link with them”says a volunteer. Don’t forget anyone during the holidays, this is the watchword of the association. This year in Lille, until the end of winter, the Secours populaire will carry out a marauding every evening.

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