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An astonishing revolt is brewing in Italy. It all started with one color of masks. Their color, pink, would displease some Italian police officers. The explanations of our correspondent Alban Mikoczy, live from Rome.
Can you lose part of your professional credibility by donning a pink mask? It is the surrealist debate which currently agitates Italy. “In question, the delivery of FFP2 masks to the police. They open the boxes and there, surprise, the masks are bright pink”, explains journalist Alban Mikoczy, in duplex from Rome, Saturday January 15. According to some unions, it would be impossible to have a function of authority and to be able to exercise the safeguard of public order with pink masks.
Trade unions “request the cancellation of this order, and that we change their masks for blue or black masks”, reports Alban Mikoczy who continues: “The public administration responds that these masks have been very expensive, and that the police will have to endorse them.” The government’s decision is expected shortly. “The teachers’ unions have said that these pink masks will suit them very well, and that if the police do not want them, they will happily collect them”, concludes the journalist.