In Indre-et-Loire, the labor market is not experiencing the crisis

It seems that the post-epidemic Covid-19 economic disaster will ultimately not take place. In any case, this is what indicates unemployment figures, now back to normal. In the second quarter of 2021, there were in France 8% of job seekers, the same rate as in the last quarter of 2019, that is to say before the pandemic.

And the Indre-et-Loire is a good student in this area, whether compared to the national or regional average. The department thus has 7.1% of job seekers against 7.3% in Center Val-de-Loire.

A dynamic salaried job

These good unemployment figures can be explained by the real dynamism of the job market, especially in the service sector, which is highly developed in the department. Salaried employment is the most dynamic, with an increase 0.3% in Indre-et-Loire compared to the end of 2020, and 0.9% in Center Val-de-Loire.

This trend does not seem to be stopping, as evidenced by the survey carried out every year by Pôle Emploi on the workforce needs of companies. The one carried out at the end of 2020 for the year 2021 shows needs up by 2% compared to 2019. This represents 21,000 recruitment projects in the department.

The sectors that recruit are, as everywhere in France, hotels and restaurants, health and home help where recruitments are up by 40%, as well as construction. There is still a downside to the automotive industry, which has failed to reconnect with its pre-crisis dynamism. Its recruitments are down -33% in the second quarter of 2021.

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