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The 32nd edition of the Nuit des étoiles began on the evening of Friday August 5th. In telescopes, shooting stars and planets delight lovers of astronomy. 200,000 people are expected during the weekend on the sites dedicated to the event.
The night delivered a striking celestial spectacle, in La Couyère (Ille-et-Vilaine), Friday August 5th. A ballet of shooting stars crossed the sky, in front of hundreds of curious people. The star shower occurs every year in August, when the Earth’s path crosses that of the Perseids, a cloud of dust created by a comet in our orbit.
The planets also reveal themselves in telescopes. This enchantment was made possible by astronomy enthusiasts who came to share their passion. “The public often asks for the same things, like seeing Saturn, seeing Jupiter, but we never get tired of it”, confides Hadrien Fortin, member of the Rennes Astronomical Society. A motorized telescope, which follows the movements of celestial objects, allows for even further exploration. The entertainment for the Star Nights will continue until the evening of Sunday August 6th.