In Hérault, a start-up collects and recovers bio-waste from stores


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Making compost to reduce bio-waste is not easy for companies. Lack of space, quantities too large, some stores are quickly overwhelmed. In L’Herault, a young company collects these remains at home and to bicycle to promote them. #IlsHaveTheSolution

Withered salads, shriveled apples, it’s impossible for grocers to keep damaged products. To avoid them the trash, a solution exists: the collection of bio-waste in companies. A system to which Jérémy’s fruit and vegetable store adheres for a hundred euros per month. It’s an accumulation of quantities of waste that we couldn’t manage, that’s why we needed an entity to help us”, confides the manager.

Every week, employees on electric bikes from the Montpellier company Compost Hero rid the store of about twenty kilos of plant remains. Everything is loaded into large bins and turned into compost. The material produced will then be sold to market gardeners as natural fertilizer.

An ecological solution to reduce the carbon footprint of these fruits and vegetables destined to end up in the trash. On In the Hérault department, 30% of waste is exported because we are unable to process it on site. Today we have a real need, professionals and individuals, to have solutions for composting as close as possible to the production sites.”, explains Chloé, founder of Compost Hero.

The company already has several customers: about fifteen stores and a high school. Compost Hero wanna extend its activity outside urban areas with collections by car. On average, 250 kilos of bio-waste are collected each week by the company to be then transformed. Lhe objective is to reach 20 tonnes of compost by the end of the year.

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