in Glasgow, several hundred people demonstrate against “greenwashing”

Actions are multiplying on the sidelines of COP26. On Wednesday November 3, several hundred members of the Extinction Rebellion (XR) movement gathered in Glasgow city center (United Kingdom), a few kilometers from where the climate summit is being held. “Our march points to the greenwashing, a dangerous practice. She misleads the public, makes them believe that we are acting. It’s criminal “, explains to franceinfo Daryl Tayar, spokesperson for the Scottish branch of Extinction Rebellion, his voice sometimes covered by slogans shouted by the crowd.

Just behind him, near the Royal Concert Hall, a small group dressed up as ghost hunters, a reference to the film Ghost busters. “Governments, companies … We want to denounce the contradictions between words and deeds”, explains Robin, one of the activists. the greenwashing is indeed a marketing process aimed at giving a misleading ecological image.

The procession, surrounded by a large police force, has also stopped several times in front of the business premises. “targeted for their practice of greenwashing : the company Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE), where two activists did a sit-in chained to each other, then the JP Morgan bank a few tens of meters away.

In the crowd, a small group of French activists made the trip to Glasgow. “We are participating in something bigger, a global movement”, rejoices Ynalem, coming from Limoges (Haute-Vienne) for the occasion. And to regret: “At the COP, the rulers come together to send the message that they are doing something, but they are not doing anything”.

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