in Gaza, “war is always a tragedy”, deplores Frédéric Encel, doctor in geopolitics



Video duration:
6 mins


Israel confirms having hit an area near a church in Gaza in a raid targeting the command center of a Hamas terrorist. On the Gaza side, it is claimed that the church was targeted. Decryption with Frédéric Encel, doctor in geopolitics, guest of 12/13 info, Friday October 20.

Israel confirmed that it had hit an area near a church in Gaza during a raid targeting the command center of a Hamas terrorist. According to the authorities in Gaza, it was the church that was targeted. “If Hamas establishes its strategic centers under churches and hospitals, it is extremely complicated to avoid civilians”explains Frédéric Encel, doctor in geopolitics, in 12/13 info, Friday October 20. In a densely built environment that is Gaza, the “war is always a tragedy anyway”estimates the lecturer at Science Po Paris and author of the book The ways of power.

“France has a role to play”

The death toll from the explosion at a hospital in Gaza has been revised downwards, from 100 to 300 dead instead of 800, and it is no longer a hospital but a parking lot that was hit. “It’s very serious, and clearly, it’s Islamic Jihad” which is at the origin, according to Frédéric Encel. Israel wants to be inflexible, and will not offer any help as long as the hostages are held. France is moving forward slowly. “France has a role to play for simple reasons: we maintain good relations with Egypt and the Palestinian Authority”says Frédéric Encel.

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