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White areas in rural areas are a real handicap in daily life. In these cases, how to call a doctor, or join his children? These white areas are even more numerous in Italy, and especially in Tuscany.
The Tuscan countryside is beautiful and very peaceful, a little too much even in the eyes of the 1,500 inhabitants of Galliano. “As soon as you enter the historic center, the telephone is immediately out of order. It is difficult to communicate with the rest of the world“, notes a resident. For professionals in the region like Pierrot Baldelli, the dyer, the network problem directly affects their professional activity. “You can’t use your credit card, for example, so I lose the sale“, he says.
The small town butcher offers unexpected services. At his own expense, he has equipped the shop with a fixed telephone line which he lends to his fellow citizens if necessary. In a corner of his butcher’s shop, there are even books you can borrow. Solidarity is an obligation here. In the event of a medical emergency, for example, someone has to climb the neighboring hill to try to catch the network. Three hundred municipalities are “white” in Italy, thousands of others have great difficulties. In France, 99% of the population is correctly connected.