in France, women do not get tested enough

According to a study by the League Against Cancer, less than one in two women aged 50 to 74 had their mammogram in 2022.

One in two women over 50 did not have their screening last year. However, as we repeat on the occasion of Pink October, the annual communication campaign intended to raise women’s awareness of breast cancer screening which began on Sunday October 1, this regular screening is very important because one in eight women risk of being affected by this cancer during their life. More than 60,000 women are affected each year and the disease causes 12,000 deaths per year. From the age of 25 and throughout your life, you must have a gynecological follow-up consultation with a doctor or midwife.

Regular self-monitoring is also highly recommended. You should not hesitate to observe yourself, to feel your chest, but also your armpits, even if these actions, of course, do not replace a medical examination. And from the age of 50, it is recommended to follow up with a mammogram approximately every two years, even in the absence of symptoms. If you have the slightest doubt, do not wait and consult. Detected early, breast cancer is cured in 90% of cases.

Still mental brakes

Despite the warnings, women are not yet getting tested enough. Some 1,300,000 women aged 50 to 74 have never participated in screening. There are several obstacles: the absence of symptoms, the fear of having pain and, of course, the fear of the diagnosis. This is why associations and hospitals are mobilizing in October. The goal is to raise awareness and encourage women to consult.

Brands are also getting involved, clothing or cosmetics brands are creating non-collection pieces for the occasion. There are also sporting and festive events organized, fashion shows, dinners with, for example, only pink products, served by renowned caterers. Of course, all funds raised are intended to help research and fight this disease. So don’t hesitate, find out in your city, go there, you will help the research while being well informed.

Don’t stay alone

For women currently battling breast cancer, We can also advise you to free your speech. For them, being supported is essential. There are support groups, psychological and listening services, toll-free numbers such as 0 800 949 139. Associations, such as the League Against Cancer, offer socio-aesthetic care, to regain self-confidence, as well as reflexology sessions, health nutrition workshops and adapted sports sessions. So, don’t be alone, ladies, be accompanied! These organizations aim to reduce the consequences of illness and treatments in order to improve quality of life.

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