On the evening of December 18, 2,933 people were hospitalized in intensive care due to Covid-19.
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The epidemic is progressing. Resuscitation services, where the number of patients with Covid-19 rose again at the end of November, continue to fill up, according to figures published Saturday, December 18 by Public Health France. These critical care units, where the most serious cases are treated, had 2,933 patients, up from 2,901 the day before. There were 190 admissions in 24 hours.
More generally, 15,370 patients are hospitalized. This is 40 less than the day before, but the trend has been a clear increase over the past month, a period during which this figure has almost doubled (+ 97%).
Public health France reports 58,536 new cases in 48 hours, confirming the exceeding of 50,000 daily cases on average over a week. The number of deaths since the start of the epidemic has reached 121,418. With the onset of the cold at the end of autumn, the epidemic resumed even before the Omicron variant, much more contagious than the Omicron variant, which is much more contagious than spreads in France. the Delta variant, still in the majority by far.