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Claire Denis’ next film, “With love and determination“, reunited for the first time at the cinema Juliette Binoche and Vincent Lindon. “Love” and “relentlessness” are two words that represent Vincent well Lindon. A rare encounter with the man who has become one of the most outstanding actors in French cinema.
Hypersensitive, anxious, hard worker. vincent Lindon established himself as a major player in French cinema. In the short story by Claire Denis, With love and determinationhe plays Jean, a man in love who sees his companion, Juliette Binoche, fall back into the arms of François, her former lover. “It’s about passion, influence, relentlessness“, explains the actor about the film.
In this love thriller, the director filmed the actors up close. A bias that does not displease Vincent Lindon. “She films bodies a lot, it’s true. And she films them from a distance where it’s almost you who have the impression of being there next to us and seeing us, of having been invited into the room. She is very in touch with the sensuality of human beings“, explains the actor. In 40 years of career, Vincent Lindon has embodied a multitude of characters. A committed, multi-award-winning artist, he was even president of the jury at the last Cannes festival.