If you wish to make material donations for Ukrainian refugees, it is still possible. Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Petit Paris square in Chambéry, a collection is organized by the solidarity convoy, a citizen movement to help the Ukrainian people. Strollers, suitcases: the list of needs is very precise and updated on the site. For example, they ask stop bringing medicine and clothes.
Departure of the trucks on April 16 from Annecy
“The donations will be transported aboard eight or nine trucks, departing from Annecy on Saturday April 16, explains Sandia Frérot who manages the collection in Chambéry. They will travel to Medyka in Poland, on the Ukrainian border.” Members of the movement are on hand to collect donations and redistribute them to Ukrainian refugees. Convoys from all over France arrive every day.
– Francois Ventejou