in Bavaria, residents face soaring Russian gas prices

The apartment is a modest three-room apartment in the university district of Augsburg, a city of 300,000 inhabitants an hour’s drive from Munich, in Bavaria. This is where Erika, 72, lives: this former ready-to-wear saleswoman, who heats with gas like the rest of the building, received a letter from her supplier a few days ago. “From October 1, they will multiply the prices by three. It goes to 450 euros per month. You heard right: 450 euros! It’s a disaster because I have a very small pension”the retiree is alarmed.

Germany, very dependent on Russian gas, is taking the full brunt of the rise in prices due to the war in Ukraine. In Bavaria, in the south of the country, 90% of the gas came from Russia: a much stronger dependency than the other Länder which once made it prosperous and which now weakens its economy. To address concerns, local supplier SWA, which owns 75% of the city’s gas market, has opened a crowded visitor centre. The group has already raised its prices, but for customers the worst is yet to come, warns Jurgen Ferggthe spokesperson.

“When there is less Russian gas, then the prices increase more and more. Customers have not yet felt the full brunt of the increases. They should expect in January to have to pay four times more than what they paid a year earlier.”

Jürgen Fergg, SWA spokesperson

at franceinfo

The gas supplier therefore encourages its customers to reduce their consumption: “We encourage consumers to save gas as much as they can, turn down the heat, take showers instead of baths.”

Several cities in Bavaria have already reduced public lighting and the temperature of swimming pools to save energy. The University of Augsburg will close its doors two weeks earlier than planned, at Christmas. The Bavarians also implement the advice given, like Josef, 67. “I save where I can. At home, I lowered the heating to 17, 18 degrees, I put on sweatershe lists. We must support the Ukrainians, no matter what: Putin must not win the war. But we are too dependent on Russian gas. How is it possible ? For twenty years, the government fell asleep, it was only concerned with having cheap gas, without worrying about the future.

Josef, 67, believes that the authorities should not have made Germany so dependent on Russian gas.  (SEBASTIEN BAER / RADIO FRANCE)

The crisis has in any case reacted to the political class, which is promoting other sources of energy such as biomass, geothermal energy, solar and wind power. This year, Bavaria, like the rest of the country, should be able to face the cold season. Gas stocks are more than 80% full, but it is the following winter that worries energy experts.

In Bavaria, residents face soaring Russian gas prices – A report by Sébastien Baer

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