The 1994 terrorist attack against the building of the Israeli-Argentine Mutual Association (AMIA) left 85 dead and 300 injured. This is the worst attack the country has ever seen.
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A position described as“historical” by the local Jewish community, the largest in Latin America. The deadly attacks against the Israeli embassy in 1992 and against the Israeli mutual fund Amia in 1994, in Buenos Aires (Argentina), were sponsored by Iran, the Argentine courts affirmed on Thursday April 11.
The judgment of the Federal Chamber of Criminal Cassation II also names the Shiite movement Hezbollah as the perpetrator of the attack. He declares Iran “Terrorist state” and describes the attack against the Amia as “crime against humanity”. “Hezbollah carried out an operation which responded to a political, ideological, revolutionary aim and under the mandate of a government, of a State”assured Judge Carlos Mahiques, one of the three magistrates who made the decision, to Radio con Vos.
In 1992, the attack on the Israeli embassy left 29 dead and 200 injured in Buenos Aires. The 1994 terrorist attack against the building of the Israeli-Argentine Mutual Association (AMIA) resulted in the death of 85 people and injured 300. This is the worst attack in the country’s history. Thursday’s judgment “is historic, unique in Argentina, we owed it not only to Argentina: we owed it to the victims”, declared Jorge Knoblovitz, president of the delegation of Argentine Jewish associations, on LN+ television. For him, this judgment “opens the possibility of a complaint to the International Criminal Court”.