In Arbonne, opposition to the municipal majority is stepping up. In question, the project of construction of the new public school, and more particularly the site chosen for its construction. According to the elected officials of the list “A new breath for Arbonne”, the site chosen by the municipality “was used as _fly tip_having received waste of all kinds for nearly four decades.“Still according to the opposition, this site has “not been the subject of any depollution measure, whereas the construction of a public facility intended for young children requires the implementation of investigative measures as to the real state of the ground in depth.”
They therefore demand that all examinations be carried out before the start of construction to ensure that there is no risk to the health of children and future teachers and employees of the school complex. They have moreover seized the judge in chambers on this matter for urgent action.
– Screenshot Google Maps
“It is false” according to the town hall
An intervention to which the town hall of Arbonne reacted. “I’ve been a lifelong Arbonne resident and there’s never been a fly dump here.”, slice Marie José Mialocq. The mayor of the town explains that there was in time an area that served as a dump, but not on the future school grounds. “It was on the other side of the roundabout“shows Marie José Mialocq on the different maps, based on testimonies from residents, too.
To prove his statements, the mayor of the town cites two soil studies carried out upstream on the ground of the whole school project. “They arrive at the same results” reads the mayor, who lists that up to four meters deep, there is only demolition rubble (iron, wood, tiles, bricks, etc.), deposited at the time by the previous owner of the site. No household waste was found either in the soil surveys carried out more than ten meters deep.
– Anthony Michael
The opposition having seized the President of the Court in this case, it will have between two and three weeks to give an answer to this file. For now, the start of work is scheduled for early 2023, they should be completed in June 2024, for a first start three months later. The school complex ranging from kindergarten to primary will accommodate 120 students.