In Ancenis, we are organizing a Pride March for the first time

It’s not just Nantes that organizes a Pride March. For the first time, Ancenis-Saint-Géréon, 11,000 inhabitants, organizes a “Pride” to defend the rights of LGBTQI+ people.

“This is the town where I was born and I never thought there would ever be a Pride here, rejoices Zoé, 22 years old. I really didn’t want to miss it. Seeing so many people take responsibility in this small town, it made me want to put my flag on my shoulders.

The famous rainbow flag, symbol of the LGBTQI+ cause, is carried by almost everyone this Saturday at the start of the March. “I think it’s very important that in a medium-sized town like Ancenis there are associations that are formed, believes Pierre, who came from Clisson to take part in the Pride d’Ancenis. I’m glad there are people gathered here today.”

A march postponed for two years

The Ancenis Pride March, postponed for two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic, is organized by the EsAc association, which defends the rights of LGBTQI+ people. “We suffer from invisibility, regrets Pierre-Alain Cottineau, the president of the EsAc association. This march is there to make people understand that LGBTQI+ people also exist in the countryside.”

Pierre-Alain hoped for 100 people for this first edition of the Pride d’Ancenis. Ultimately, 120 people marched through the streets.

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