Immigration to Canada: the debate that divides and disturbs

The Initiative of the Century lobby group’s proposal to increase Canada’s population to 100 million by 2100, primarily through immigration, generated heated debate last week, ranging from political Ottawa and Quebec City to ordinary citizens, inevitably via social networks…

Unfortunately, the issue of “immigration thresholds” has turned into a battleground where our emotions, our prejudices and our political ambitions collide.

The subject arouses anger and divisions, promoting toxic discourse and growing polarization.

Abuses can be seen around the world… To avoid an escalation in Quebec and Canada, it is imperative to establish practices and mechanisms to promote a balanced discussion based on facts.

Foster healthy and informed dialogue

Depoliticizing immigration is an essential, if not paramount, first step… This involves respecting differences of opinion and treating with consideration those who do not share our views.

We must favor a respectful exchange, avoid personal attacks, and focus on ideas, not people. This maintains a level of constructive dialogue and avoids verbal abuse.

It is also crucial to listen carefully to others, to understand their concerns and their perspectives. An open mind and a willingness to learn from the experiences and knowledge of others are required.

It is also important to be informed and to debate on the subject of immigration based on reliable data. This avoids the spread of erroneous or stereotyped information.

Maintaining a calm and poised tone during debates is also essential. Emotions can be contagious and negatively influence the discussion.

The role of governments

Governments have a key role to play in depoliticizing immigration, that is, in removing it from the shackles of partisanship and political ideologies that can impoverish the debate on this major issue.

The purpose of this depoliticization is not to ignore the political issues surrounding immigration, but rather to recognize that the excessive politicization of this issue can often blur the main objective: to put in place effective and equitable immigration policies. .

For this, it is essential to encourage an exchange of views that is both informed and transparent, based on precise data concerning immigration policies and the reasons behind them.

The key lies in transparency and accountability, two essential pillars for gaining public trust and fostering genuinely open dialogue.

In order to achieve this objective, the establishment of independent mechanisms or commissions dedicated to the definition of immigration quotas could be envisaged.

These entities, bringing together experts in demography, economics and sociology, and devoid of ideological biases, would establish immigration quotas based on objective criteria and factual evidence, free from short-term political pressures .

Finally, it is essential, during debates and the development of public policies, to respect the dignity and rights of each individual, immigrants included.

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