Immigration: QS’s Doublespeak

Last Thursday, Radio-Canada informed us that Quebec solidaire has recruited lawyer Guillaume Cliche-Rivard as a candidate. He will run against Dominique Anglade. His entry on the scene sheds light on the position of the qsists on immigration, master Cliche-Rivard’s field of practice.

While it is the riding of the leader of the opposition, Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois took the opportunity to criticize the Liberals. The latter would be “big talkers, but small doers”, according to what he told the SRC. Yet they have consistently raised the thresholds, up to 52,000 annually. On a per capita basis, this represented almost two and a half times as many immigrants as France and almost twice as many as the United States. All this while these two countries are not minorities whose culture is threatened.

Guillaume Cliche-Rivard, for his part, evokes thresholds of 60,000 to 100,000 foreigners who would settle here each year. “The needs are immense,” he pleads. It is therefore clear that an eventual solidarity government will continue the continuous increase in immigration… just like Justin Trudeau. Ottawa expects to welcome 431,000 immigrants in 2022. This policy of the federal government, which controls approximately 40% of immigration thresholds in Quebec, constitutes a danger for the French language, among others.

The idea of ​​the federals is to create a post-national country in which the Quebec nation would cease to exist. This was exactly Lord Durham’s strategy in 1839. It was to massively increase British immigration, outvote French Canadians and eventually assimilate them.

However, Québec solidaire (which shares Canadian multiculturalism) takes up Ottawa’s cause in this matter. Let’s take an example. Before recently turning the hood, François Legault had decided in 2018 to reduce immigration. What did GND do then? He enjoined the feds to “disregard calls from the CAQ government to collaborate [avec Ottawa] to reduce the number of immigrants from 52,000 to 40,000. The feds were thus invited to override the will of the Quebec government, which would have violated two immigration agreements concluded in the past by René Lévesque and Robert Bourassa. According to the head of QS, this was the price to pay for Canada to remain “a world leader”.

But what does Quebec autonomy and the sustainability of our culture matter? According to Guillaume Cliche-Rivard, the real issue is rather to “change the perception given to the population on immigration… The image must be more positive”. Let’s translate. As the people are silly and refuse to understand, the elites must educate them. The last thing to do would be to give him a voice in this matter. This is why elected officials should abdicate their responsibility in this matter. According to Cliche-Rivard, we must therefore “take this debate out of politics” and entrust it to “experts”. It is fascinating that a lawyer (who makes money by helping immigrants settle here) advocates, without the slightest embarrassment, to confiscate the democratic debate!

Listening to Master Cliche-Rivard, everyone would benefit from more and more immigrants. Is this really the case? Take the example of workers at the bottom of the ladder. Immigration often has a negative impact on their salary. Instead of paying employees better, it is more profitable for the bosses to hire cheaper immigrant labour. That’s why employers are always asking for more immigrants… like QS!

The arrival of migrants also has a direct impact on the price of housing. More people want to live. Demand rises and supply cannot keep up. Results: the cost of rent explodes. This is great for owners, who make more profit. It is catastrophic for low-income families and individuals, who are being squeezed by the throat.

This is what these so-called solidaries are, hypocrites who hold double talk. While presenting themselves as champions of the underprivileged, they help the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer. While claiming to be separatists, they support the federals in order to undermine the foundations of our national existence.

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