Madam Minister, in December 2022, my nephew Gabriel Caro, Chilean citizen, civil and commercial engineer, who is pursuing master’s studies in digital marketing, presented his application to your ministry to become a permanent immigrant in Quebec.
He speaks Spanish and English, but unfortunately not French yet. His application was not accepted, despite his expressed firm intention to quickly learn the official and common language of Quebec.
Even though I am entirely in favor of the protection and promotion of the French language here, I find the decision of your officials regrettable. We Chileans, like the nationals of other Latin American countries, speak Spanish or Portuguese, languages that have the same Latin roots as French.
In addition, Quebec and the countries of the South share similar values and culture. Without being francophones, we are francophiles.
Furthermore, I am proud to report that the vast majority of Chileans who have arrived here have successfully integrated into French-speaking Quebec society.
Next September 11, we will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Pinochet coup in Chile, and the arrival in Quebec of thousands of Chilean refugees and immigrants, like me and my family. We will thank the people of Quebec for their fraternal, generous and supportive welcome. We will also highlight the important contribution, in several areas, that we have made to the Quebec nation in this half-century.
In this context, certain aspects of your new immigration policy strike me as paradoxical. By requiring knowledge of French before their arrival here and despite our cultural affinities, you are hindering the arrival of Latinos who are friends of Quebec. I always agree with my friend and great Premier of Quebec, Bernard Landry, who often said to me: “We are the Latinos of the North, you are the Latinos of the South”. Quebec should substantially increase its cultural, economic and political ties with Latin America, including in the area of immigration.