“I’m going back to the countryside more determined than ever,” said Valérie Pécresse after her meeting in Le Cannet

“In a countryside there are sometimes gusts and storms, I experienced some this week”, declared Valérie Pécresse, this Saturday in the program “Politique!” of France Culture, about his difficulties in the presidential campaign. The candidate of the Les Républicains (LR) party also returned to the“absolute false controversy that has been mounted this week” after his meeting at the Zenith in Paris on Sunday. In her speech, she referred to the conspiratorial concept of “great replacement”which earned him a lot of criticism.

“What I said was ‘I am resigned neither to Emmanuel Macron the great downgrading, nor to Éric Zemmour the great replacement'”, she insisted. It front of “vital questions” who are waiting for France, “no fatality, neither to the big downgrading nor to the big replacement”said, in fact, the candidate on Sunday.

“The subject today is to remobilize everyone, and that’s what I did yesterday at Le Cannet”in the Alpes-Maritimes, “with a totally different meeting format, a cappella and in which I really showed the Nouvelle France project” she assured. This is’“a project of order, but also” of one “humanist project, which will release the energies of the French people”. “It is through this project that I am going back to the countryside more determined than ever”she assured.

“Today, I am convinced that he will support me because I defend his convictions”she also said this Saturday on France Culture, in response to a question about the support that Nicolas Sarkozy has still not given to his presidential candidacy.

“You know, Nicolas Sarkozy taught me a lotshe continued. I was his minister, he gave me this chance, and today I probably wouldn’t be in front of you if Nicolas Sarkozy hadn’t entrusted me with the most difficult ministry of his government, which was the ministry of ‘university [de l’Enseignement supérieur] and in which I proved myself, then the Ministry of the Budget in the midst of the sovereign debt crisis where I had to save the savings of the French”she assured. “It’s his choice, it’s up to him to make this choice but this support seems natural to me”she insisted.

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