illness has struck… This terrible letter that he will never forget!

For more than fifteen years, More beautiful life unleashed the passions on France 3. The famous fiction has often made the good times of the chain. But to this day, the film crew is boxing the last episodes of the show to the chagrin of fans. “We still have five months of stories to tell. This represents a volume of almost 150 episodes. On top of that, a primetime will air in early July and it’s likely that a big final primetime will be scheduled for November.” teased the production last May.

Thus, countless key characters will be honored in the intrigues to come. To date, some characters have marked viewers. Like Roland Marci played by Michel Cordes. Thanks to the saga, the actor has seen his notoriety skyrocket… A situation that has not always been easy to live with. “For several years, I did not have a normal social life”he confessed in the columns of Society. “When you have six million people watching you every night and according to some statistics thirteen million watch at least five minutes of the program, you know that as soon as you set foot outside, one in six or seven people knows your head “.

But on a daily basis, Michel Cordes carefully keeps the letters of his admirers. And one of them had the merit of marking it. “There is a letter that I will never forget. It was written to me by a woman living in the North whose parents lived in the Gard”said the actor. “She invited me to her wedding. His mother died of cancer and his father was living his last moments. Obviously, the deceased loved following the program as a family. “She told me in her letter that every morning he went to his wife’s grave and explained to her the episode of the previous day”, concluded Michel Cordes not without emotion.


to see also: Dounia Coesens (More beautiful life): and now, the baby!

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