Illan Castronovo (The Marseillais) dead? “The situation is really serious”, close friends break the silence

They are friends and were even roommates. Milla Jasmine and Illan Castronovo have never hidden their beautiful complicity. So by discovering the alarming stories posted by the former candidate of Marseillais VS The rest of the world, this Friday, October 28, 2022, the 33-year-old young woman tried to contact her relatives. And she quickly gave news to her subscribers, all equally worried.

No news from Illan Castronovo since his more than worrying messages dating from this morning. The 28-year-old reality TV candidate revealed that he wanted to end his life. Milla Jasmine, who was bombarded with messages afterwards, quickly broke the silence. “Hi there, I’m not well at all. Manon [Marsault, NDLR] and I worry a lot about Illan (…) I have no news, not even his family. I will try to contact our mutual friends in Dubai”she wrote at first.

Two hours later, Lorenzo’s wife announced that she had just heard from someone who was with Illan. “But I can’t tell you if he’s okay or not because I don’t have more details and above all, out of respect because the situation is really serious“, she wrote. She then explained that it made her “really heartbroken“to see that her friend was still as affected by the accusations he was the subject of a year ago. She hopes this will be useful”example and lesson“to Internet users who condemn without proof.”Me included, because I may have already judged and condemned people before knowing the truth. (…) I have no other words that come to mind except that I am worried but above all very sad. I invite you to send him all your support and the others to stop this relentlessness“, she concluded.

Illan’s manager breaks the silence

For his part, his manager and friend Liil Serge Mbeutcha spoke about the state of health of Illan Castronovo with TV Magazine. “At around 4.30am this morning in Dubai, Illan attempted to take his own life. (…) He is steady, I try to reason with him from a distance. He lives alone in an apartment in Dubai and I will try to join him as soon as possible. He’s very weak, he can’t take it anymore. Illan is very bad, he tried to kill himself. Now he has to recover“, he revealed.

It was around 6 a.m. that Illan Castronovo posted his disturbing messages. He explained that he had “a hell of a life“but that all good things come to an end. A malaise that comes from the fact that since the accusations of sexual assault against him on November 14, 2021 (and of which he has apparently been cleared ), his name is dragged through the mud.”I tried to hold on and pick myself up for my loved ones. But when I see that a year later, they still won’t let me go… In reality, no one can realize what it’s like to be wrongly accused of horrible things, when nothing do. (…) The media court sentenced me to death. (…) Today, the truth is that I would rather die than wear a label that is not mine“, he wrote in particular.

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