If we loved each other | The eternal purgatory of the friend zone

It was predictable like the duality of “fusional” which was attached to the very intense Julien: the “couple” formed by Julie and Alexandre broke up at If we loved each otherthe TVA docu-reality that brings to life all the alpaca farms in the province.

The (good) decision was taken by Julie, the 44-year-old family educator, who endured some rather hurtful remarks from the Cartesian Alexandre, a 45-year-old business manager. Even a Salebarbes show in Quebec and a coco-a-thon in the woods failed to connect the emotional – or rational – worlds? – of Julie and Alexandre.

Cold and direct, Alexandre quickly placed Julie in the “friend zone”, the equivalent of eternal purgatory for singles on all reality shows on the planet. The “friendzone” is the place where impulses, passions and butterflies die, without the possibility of resurrection.

The spa scene, where Alexandre rejected his suitor squarely, was the last straw for Julie, who did not need Alexandre’s gift to pump the air. End of therapeutic relentlessness.

In the same elusive vein, Mélody, 27, practically uses Sam, the 40-year-old dispatcher, to obtain free therapy with Louise Sigouin, ignoring the feelings of the one who chose her for this adventure punctuated by pique- chilly picnics, where they drink apple juice through spiral straws.

In each of her sessions, Mélody only talks about herself, her past relationships, her daughter, and she continually refers to Sam as a simple friend. If she doesn’t feel any romantic potential with Sam, and that’s 100% correct, Mélody should tell her and stop raising her hopes. It’s cumbersome and dishonest. Also, it wouldn’t be unpleasant for Sam to see, for himself, that it won’t work with Mélody and that he’s wasting his time. To quote Kevin Parent in his song Mother of Our Child“it’s boring, but that’s it.”


Marie-Josée and Julien in If we loved each other

The last week of If we loved each other was loaded with laughter yoga, part washers and a bath run to the sound of an owl’s cry. Marie-Josée, the 48-year-old teacher, and Julien, the 44-year-old carpenter, coo on the phone like two 15-year-old teenagers. Hey, hang up! No, hang up! No you ! OK, let’s hang up!

Ex-truck driver Sylvain, 55, and Frédérique, the daughter of actor Albert Millaire, experienced a few clashes, including one of a linguistic nature, which revived an old wound of pride. Because Sylvain did not know the meaning of the word “empathy”, which caused a misunderstanding with Frédérique and a verbal altercation with a member of the film crew.

On the side ofDouble occupancy Andalusia, a little scoop: the final trip will take place in the Maldives, in a luxury hotel, whispers to me a mole within the Noovo reality show. White sand, crystal clear waters, superb houses on stilts, it is a magnificent place in the heart of the Indian Ocean.

Now, the last week at OD did not give rise to any justified “rants” among the girls. Moving to the guys’ house that smells of yogurt and expedition to the “super big rock” (we say Gibraltar, dear Jérémy), our singles continue to TTP, that is to say they “trust the process”, they trust the process, in old French.

Speaking of Jérémy, the 28-year-old real estate entrepreneur, he has inherited the title of villain of the 2023 vintage, while he changes his speech more often than Judge Cohen changes his accent in Indefensible.

Jérémy protected Laurence, 24, his last lifeline on the show. Consequence: it was the photo of Marilyne, 24 years old, which was slipped into the demon’s red envelope, a decision which sowed the beginning of the beginning of a mini bickering in the mixed houses.

Moreover, regarding the whiny Jérémy who was pushed against the wall (of Gibraltar), the wise Anthony observed that Jérémy “can no longer jabber shit”. Gibber, squeak, why not merge them? But by going with “parciminie”, Rebecca, 26 years old, would specify.

Also, during the game competition between the villas, Lara, a 27-year-old fashion representative, didn’t know what the word “rebus” meant. And neither she nor her companion Vincent, 26, recognized the phrase “the trouble of a double occupation”, which has nevertheless been a lyric from the OD theme song for 20 years. Embarrassing.

During the Andalouzzzie quiz, Marilyne, very lively, noticed that “the other team was shitting its pants”. The young woman from Brossard, who studies psychology, let’s not forget, used the same fecal analogy to predict Simon’s reaction to the discovery of mixed houses: “he’s going to shit his pants.”

Sigmund Freud wrote a bunch of theories about the anal stage of a child’s development. Could the academic Marilyne be popularizing these complex psychoanalytic notions for us?

Another scientific hypothesis is that Marilyne put all “her eyes” in the same basket and that speaks to me more than a speech on indigenous genocide by Sami and Céline.

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