“If we don’t give the feeling of” criminal firmness, “we will continue to see violence on our soil”, estimates Jordan Bardella

After the urban violence that followed Nahel’s death, the president of the National Rally asked France Inter for “an immediate criminal response from the first theft. The MEP accuses the executive “of not acting” in the face of the riots.

If we do not give the feeling of firmness, of an immediate criminal response from the first theft and of the return of order and authority in our society, then we will continue to see riots after riots of violence on our floor“, alert Monday, July 10 on France Inter Jordan Bardella, president of the National Rally.

While many cities have been affected by urban violence after the death of Nahel, killed on June 27 by a police officer during a road check in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine), the RN MEP believes that if “we do not rage from the first offence, from the first act of violence, from the first larceny, we fall into a spiral of recidivism“. The president of the National Rally therefore wants “oppose to those who want to challenge public order a firm, irreproachable, implacable penal policy towards all those who commit crimes and misdemeanors in our society“.

For Jordan Bardella, this urban violence is the consequence of a “lax penal policy, a continuous weakening of the means given to the police and a completely crazy immigration policy which has aroused communal tensions in countless neighborhoods“.

MEP RN also accuses the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne of being “guilty of not acting“in the face of the riots.

“They know that we are on the verge of guerrilla warfare in a number of our territories; they are guilty of not having heard the various warnings raised by their predecessors”.

Jordan Bardella, President of the National Rally

at France Inter

To prevent and fight against this violence, the president of the National Rally therefore pleads for “a safe jump“and in particular to give more”law enforcement resources“. We need a criminal leap, a turn of the screw in criminal matters“, he adds.

Jordan Bardella wishes “lower the criminal majority“. It is also said “in favor of custodial measures (…) for minors from an early age, from the first offence, with very short prison sentences which can enable young people to become aware of the seriousness of their acts“.”When you shoot a police officer with a Molotov cocktail or attack representatives of the State, you are not a victim of society, you are a delinquent or even a criminal and you must be judged as such.“, urges the president of the far-right party.

Jordan Bardella wants “closed educational centers from an early age”

RN MEP regrets the increase in the number of detainees, who he says, “says a lot about the wildness of our society“. But it also calls for questioning “the considerable number of alternatives to prison“.”We are in favor of the restoration of minimum sentences, the end of automatic remission of sentences and above all the systematic expulsion of foreign delinquents and criminals“, list Jordan Bardella.

He also wishesthe establishment of closed educational centers from an early age“, even “recovery centers supervised by the military” for the “minors who are in situations of exposure to much stronger violence, and for desperate cases“.

The president of the RN considers that the “sentences are not strong enough“, particularly in the face of attacks on physical integrity. “When you touch the physical integrity of a representative of the State or a police officer, you must almost automatically expose yourself, in particular through minimum sentences, to a custodial measure“, considers Jordan Bardella. He also says he is favorable “that there is no adjustment of sentence for prison sentences of more than six months, so as to restore the sanctity of attacks on physical integrity“.

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