“if I lost big, I tell myself today, that I won much more”

Last week, Sarah Lopez and the Web discovered that Tom Brusse had approached a candidate for Secret Story Spanish version bearing the same name as the French candidate. It took only 24 hours for the young man to decide to leave the beautiful brunette.

This live humiliation sparked an outpouring of national support for Sarah Lopez. That said, the influencer needed several days to recover. After several days of silence, the young woman reappeared on social networks and posted messages that are much more positive since we could read: “I would like to write a note to all the people who are going through a heartbreak (…) Healing is a long road, each step is important, that does not prevent there from being relapses, which are never regressions (…) Do not devalue yourself, do not close yourself off, remember that even the days that are very hard eventually pass and that even during the flattest moments of inactivity, time does its work (…) Every second that passes brings you closer to healing”.

Sarah Lopez also made the following promise on Instagram: “The nights are short, but the more the days pass and the more I get up little by little. It will be hard, even very hard but I will get up. It will be long, because incomprehension haunts my mind (…) Only time will make you forget all these questions. And alone with you, my family and my friends, I will move forward. And for all the people who are going through this nightmare, we will help each other, I promise you that.”

Tom Brusse soon eliminated from Secret Story? Sarah Lopez the tackle

After promising that she would take her revenge, it seems that Sarah Lopez has definitely recovered. While Tom Brusse was to stay three weeks, it seems that Secret Story intends to shorten his stay because of the hearings. For her part, the beautiful brunette seems confident and launched the following tackle on Instagram this Thursday, March 24, 2022: “There are the wounds that we see from the outside and those inside that people like me try to hide. This time, I didn’t really have a choice… and if I lost big, I tell myself today that I won a lot more. Much better. I love you”.

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