IDF kills three Israeli hostages by mistake


Video length: 1 min

War between Israel and Hamas: IDF kills three Israeli hostages by mistake

During an operation in Gaza on Friday, December 15, the Israeli army mistakenly killed three Hamas hostages. A demonstration took place in Tel Aviv to demand that the government negotiate the release of the other hostages. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – A.-C. Dagger, Mr. Le Rue

France Televisions

During an operation in Gaza on Friday, December 15, the Israeli army mistakenly killed three Hamas hostages. A demonstration took place in Tel Aviv to demand that the government negotiate the release of the other hostages.

They were kidnapped by Hamas on October 7. They were killed on Friday, December 15, by Israeli forces. Three faces, three lives cut short in the fighting in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli army admits a mistake. “During fighting in the northern Gaza Strip, the army mistakenly identified three Israeli hostages as a threat. As a result, the soldiers opened fire in their direction and they were killed“, declared the spokesperson for the Israeli army. Among them, there was Yotam Haïm, 28 years old. On October 7, while shots rang out, this musician filmed the attack on his kibbutz. He closed the door of his house is the last image of him alive.

“Every day, hostages die”

Immediate reaction, Friday evening in the streets of Tel Aviv, where a few hundred people gathered to express their anger. On the ground, an Israeli flag sprayed with red paint and a sign addressing the government: “Every day, hostages die“. Negotiation is what the families are demanding. A few minutes after the announcement of the death of the three hostages killed by mistake, a woman launched this appeal: “I am the sister of a hostage who has been held in Gaza for 70 days. We have just had a shocking evening, I am dying of fear. We demand a deal now.

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