“I was half dead”: Domestic violence, miscarriage … Sloane recounts the hell she went through with Peter

Success, they experienced it together, as a duo, in the 1980s. Need anything want you, Peter and Sloane’s incredible hit still resounds in all the nostalgia parties, or the tours organized around this incredible decade. Partners on stage, the two singers were also a couple in real life. But the reality, which was hidden behind all this glitter at the time, is far from glorious. Guest on the set of the show TPMP Peopleon Saturday April 2, 2022, Chantal Richard – her real name – actually explained that she had experienced the horror.

Peter, for his part, has always denied having a romantic relationship with Sloane. He has a very bad relationship with her. The latter assures, on the contrary, that she broke with this “men to women” in 1985. Because of his infidelities… and because of the domestic violence he allegedly subjected her to.”It was mostly the foundation to hide the black eyesshe told on C8. One day, in Nice, he headbutted me between the eyes. And I had black eyes for two weeks, I was on Michel Leeb’s tour. Afterwards, as he saw that I had black eyes, he butted me in the head, so that it wouldn’t show. After a while it stopped because people stopped it.”

I got pregnant without knowing it

Sloane assures him, Peter is a real “narcissistic pervert“who tries to disguise the truth at the slightest interview. She remembers in particular a hellish night spent by her side. “I lost weight, weight loss, weight loss, I got pregnant without knowing itreveals the 64-year-old singer. And one day, at the hotel, we were both asleep and I had a miscarriage. He left me to die at night. The next day, as I was half dead, he took me to the hospital in Cannes, he threw me in the emergency room and he said ‘Take me this package, I’m fed up’.“Sloane survived this terrible ordeal. She has the strength, today, to tell all the details…

Jean-Pierre Savelli, alias Peter, remains presumed innocent of the charges brought against him.

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