“I want to give the floor to those who do not have it”

Julien Meinon is the creator of an association which provides meals to the most precarious, in particular the students affected by the pandemic. Ghada Hatem runs La maison des femmes, which takes care of victims of violence. Marine Mandrila reintegrates refugees to become chefs. Gaspard Delanoé militates in favor of artist squats. Four everyday heroes, four “small weights” as Christophe Dechavanne nicknames them.

The host and TV producer went to meet them for his first podcast. Each episode lasts about twenty minutes. “I made this podcast because I wanted to express myself and others to express themselves. In ‘Les Petits Weights’, it is about giving a voice to those who do not have it necessarily or who defend causes against thick and thin, those who are benevolent, generous “, emphasizes Christophe Dechavanne.

“These days, generosity, benevolence, tolerance, that doesn’t seem too frequent to me.”

Christophe Dechavanne

to franceinfo

The listener will inevitably be upset when hearing these young people who are queuing up to have something to eat, them who no longer have the necessary income to eat since the Covid made them lose their student job. “I’m spoiled, I grew up without being hungry… To see these young people having the slab as our mothers told us during the war, it’s incredible!” proclaims Christophe Dechavanne. Online for a week, the podcast is off to a very good start, according to Christophe Dechavanne: “We are well placed on the listening charts and the feedback is excellent.”

After decades of career in television, Christophe Dechavanne has not appeared there since June 2021 when he presented a session of ten issues of the game AT take it or leave it, on C8. Will we see him again on the small screen? “I don’t know what to tell you. I suggested. They have my phone number, I’m not going to scratch on the door like a cat!”

“If they need me, they know where to find me! If they don’t call me, they don’t need me.”

Christophe Dechavanne

to franceinfo

“I’m trying to run Coyote, my production company, and it’s difficult because there are big boxes that have levers that I don’t have. Right now, we’re trying to set up a daily for TF1, I find myself facing people who have blockbusters with them, offering programs alongside. I do not have that weight, I have remained independent and autonomous, a little by choice, even if I have an associate now “, concludes Christophe Dechavanne.

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