“I want a migration policy that brings order, you want disorder”, says Yannick Jadot to Jordan Bardella on the set of “Elysée 2022”

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9:32 p.m. : On the issue of family reunification, “It’s an international convention”assures Yannick Jadot. “And for my part, from the moment someone works in our country, that he participates in the economic activity, in the wealth of a country, he has the right to bring his family” in France, says the environmentalist candidate.

9:31 p.m. : Asked about immigration by Jordan Bardella, Yannick Jadot does not deny the migration issue. “I defend the values ​​of the Republic (…), our responsibility is to welcome in dignity the women and men who have fled chaos, potentially death”declares the environmentalist candidate.

9:30 p.m. : Jordan Bardella, acting president of the RN, attacks Yannick Jadot on the theme of immigration and French identity, according to him threatened in certain territories. The ecologist defends the reception of refugees “in dignity” : “This is part of our obligations under European law and under international law”he already explained in mid-November on France 2.

9:27 p.m. : It’s time for the face-to-face between Yannick Jadot and the interim president of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella.


9:26 p.m. : Can nature regulate itself without hunters? We looked into this question in the summer of 2020, a clarification to be found here.

9:24 p.m. : Is the average support from MaPrimeRénov’, the government scheme allowing part of its renovation work to be financed, an average of 3,000 euros per file, as Yannick Jadot says? It’s true. In 2021, 764,732 files were submitted, and 644,073 bonuses were granted, with 2.06 billion in aid distributed and an average of 3,198 euros granted per file, according to the National Housing Agency, which manages the device.

9:24 p.m. : “I’m not pointing the finger at farmers, I want to help them get out of a model that is terrible from a social point of view. At least, in livestock farming, it’s a massacre. All the farms are disappearing (.. .). We will put the money”promises Yannick Jadot, advancing the figure of 14 billion euros.

9:21 p.m. : I summarize for you Yannick Jadot’s various proposals on agriculture: he advocates the transition to a peasant model with the reorientation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the ban on pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, support for communities towards 100% organic in canteens and the end of cage farming.

9:19 p.m. : “We have 100,000 farms that have disappeared in the last ten years. Thirty farms disappear every day.”

9:17 p.m. : By emphasizing the defense of nature, Yannick Jadot wants to attract the sympathy of the electorate sensitive to animal welfare. This theme is not trivial: 69% of people polled in the annual barometer “The French and animal welfare”, piloted by Ifop, consider that this subject is one of the challenges of the presidential election of 2022.

9:17 p.m. : The new estimates from Public Health France are well below other international research. For example, a study published in February in Environmental Research estimated that fine particle pollution caused by the combustion of fossil fuels was responsible for one in five deaths worldwide, i.e. more than 8 million deaths in 2018, including nearly 100,000 in France. Discrepancies linked to methodological differences and more precise data on France, explains Public Health France.

9:18 p.m. : Various studies on the consequences of air pollution in France find figures within the range quoted by Yannick Jadot. Thus, in April 2021, Public Health France calculated that 40,000 deaths per year are attributable to exposure to fine particles, despite the improvement in air quality. In 2016, the same institution, based on the period 2007-2008, estimated the number of premature deaths for the same reasons at 48,000.

9:20 p.m. : “We have, according to health institutions, between 48,000 and 100,000 deaths per year in our country linked to air pollution”, said Yannick Jadot. We have verified this claim and it is true. I’ll tell you where these numbers come from.

9:14 p.m. : “What I want is for us to stop losing jobs in the automotive industry.”

9:14 p.m. : He has not yet broached the subject this evening, but Yannick Jadot also wants a Ministry of “animal wellbeing” in the government if he is elected next April, as he told our colleagues from BFMTV last October.

9:13 p.m. : “Respect for life, access for all to nature”says Yannick Jadot.

9:11 p.m. : “Hunting, all cruel hunting practices, we will ban them.”

9:11 p.m. : If Yannick Jadot does not want “not necessarily” totally prohibit hunting, he advocates the total ban on hunting with hounds, like that of endangered species and “all other cruel hunts”. His statements sparked a controversy with the hunters last fall.

9:09 p.m. : Yannick Jadot wants to ban hunting on weekends and during school holidays, but he does not want “not necessarily” completely ban hunting.

9:08 p.m. : The ban on the sale of thermal vehicles in 2030 is one of the highlights of Yannick Jadot’s ecological program. He wants to favor electric individual transport and defends the “retrofit”, a process which consists in extracting the heat engine from a car to install another, electric one.

9:06 p.m. : “The reality, what all the studies are showing today, is that electric vehicles are going to be roughly at par price with thermal vehicles in 2025, 2026, 2027. And so, in fact, it will cost less expensive to use because it will be price parity when buying it. As you know, an electric vehicle is much cheaper to use and maintain.”

9:04 p.m. : “We are today in a society where we have one of the highest productivity in the world (…). I want to start negotiations with a citizens’ agreement on wage increases”assures Yannick Jadot, who believes that the French have rethought their relationship to work. “It’s the meaning of history”he adds.

9:03 p.m. : Yannick Jadot pleads for a massive revaluation of the minimum wage, a subject that unites the left during this presidential election.

9:01 p.m. : Yannick Jadot judge “absolutely necessary” an increase in the minimum wage to 1,400 euros per month. He will take this measure as soon as he arrives at the Elysée if he is elected.

9:00 p.m. : Yannick Jadot unsurprisingly defends his climate ISF project, a popular concept among candidates on the left. We explain this proposal from the environmental candidate, but also from Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Anne Hidalgo.

8:58 p.m. : “My program does not include an increase in the price of gasoline or a plan to relaunch the carbon tax on fuels.”

8:58 p.m. : “We actually want to give maximum access to public transport. (…) Guarantee that we can travel as much as possible with cheap prices thanks to public transport. I am also setting up the sustainable mobility package up to 1 000 euros (…), that means that if you do 30 terminals a day to go to work, your transport costs will be fully covered.

8:57 p.m. : On ecology, Yannick Jadot heavily criticizes the record of Emmanuel Macron, a constant since his entry into the campaign. “You will go down in history, sir, the president of climate inaction”he questioned him in the European Parliament a month ago.

8:55 p.m. : Yannick Jadot promises “an energy check of 400 euros every year for the 6 million families most in difficulty”.

8:51 p.m. : Yannick Jadot attacks the political record of Emmanuel Macron and his party on ecology. “Because in fact they have no track record. They have nothing fhas on ecology.” “On all these subjects, he is the president of the lobbies, he addswell it is time for the debate to open on this electoral campaign, on its results, on ecology and on our proposals to save nature”he assures.

8:48 p.m. : “The climate is 3% of the political debate on TV, 3% of the public debate. Good. I hope that tonight we will talk about what is the number one challenge of humanity.”

8:46 p.m. : To describe himself, Yannick Jadot uses these three words: “pugnacity”, “consistency” and “sincerity”. “My ambition for France is ecology”he assures.


8:42 p.m. : To accompany me to follow this program, we welcome my colleague Thibaud Le Meneec.

8:39 p.m. : Follow the “Elysée 2022” program live with EELV candidate Yannick Jadot.

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