According to the Victims’ Guarantee Fund, 7% of accidents involving uninsured drivers concern scooter users, a figure that is increasing sharply.
Reading time: 2 min

They are the bad students of the road: those drivers who drive without insurance. 7,700 victims of accidents involving them had to be compensated last year according to the annual barometer of the Victims’ Guarantee Fund that franceinfo reveals on the eve of this big weekend of comings and goings. While the overall number of these victims fell by 10%, the number of deaths increased slightly (+2%).
LThe Fund also notes a sharp increase in the involvement of electric scooters in these accidents caused by uninsured persons. Although they are indeed subject to compulsory insurance, this is not always a given for their owners.
André is one of these electric scooter pilots: he has had one for three years. His scooter is unbridled, which is illegal. It is therefore impossible to insure yourself. In the event of an accident, it could be very expensive. “We are very careful, we protect ourselves.I still have the big motorcycle gloves, the motorcycle helmet. I touch wood because I’ve never had any problems, the problems are mostly on the bike”he justifies himself, way of putting things into perspective.
Camara, for his part, has had a scooter for two years. On the advice of his seller, he has been insured since day one. “Insurance that doesn’t cost too much, that covers the scooter, and also the accidents that can be had with the scooter. It costs me seven euros and a few cents every month,” Camara testifies.
A little over seven euros, compared to around fifty per month for a car. However, as Julien Rencki, general director of the Victims’ Guarantee Fund, points out, the number of uninsured electric scooter drivers is increasing. This represents 7% of the vehicles involved, as many as two-wheelers.
“These drivers are unaware of the fact that even if you are not driving very fast, you can quite quickly knock down a person, a child, an elderly person, causing extremely serious damage.”
Julien Rencki, Director General of the Victims’ Guarantee Fundto franceinfo
And in the event of an accident with a lack of insurance, the damages to be paid to victims can reach several hundred thousand euros. Sometimes millions.