“I should have put on a condom”: Jarry and his lunar but hilarious exchange with his daughter

Good Jarry your condom would have been useless“,”What more can I say… The truth comes out of the mouths of children“, “I love your children they make me laugh and it feels good“, “I love videos where your children speak. They are excellent“, “Well her father’s daughter“, “They are as funny as their father“, commented some subscribers of the comedian.

If Jarry likes to share his many delusions with his subscribers, he also sometimes needs to pour out on his more serious subjects. Especially on his coming out he did when he was 27. A moment that he had greatly dreaded but which ultimately went very well with his mother. Great strategist, the man had decided to announce his homosexuality to his mother when she watched the series The Fires of Love.Let me finish my movie, anyway, I knew it. I get along better with gay people“, she had replied to her son. “It was a shock because I had been hiding it for 3-4 years, I felt like I was lying to all the people I loved and she brushed it off in 2 and a half seconds” had entrusted Jarry in the emission C to you in February 2022.

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