“I loved her too much”: This singer Vianney was completely crazy about

He sang for a long time Not here (and he still does) but he’s been everywhere since. It was with this title that Vianney’s career took off in 2015 and never came down again. At only 31, he has risen to the top of the ranking of the greatest French artists. As proof, Vianney has chained the featurings and the latest has enough to make his colleagues pale. For Call on me, it is none other than with Ed Sheeran that Vianney collaborated. A real consecration which nevertheless began several years ago for him.

In 2016, Vianney shared a duet with Axelle Red, the Belgian singer, on Because it’s you on the stage ofAlkaline. A timeless moment for Vianney who never hid all the admiration he had for her. On AirZen Radio, the interpreter of Father in law spoke about this unexpected duet with Julie Obispo and confessed the huge crush he had for her: “Axelle Red, it was an obsessionhe began. I loved Axelle Red when I was little. In the yard, I loved chalking up lots of stuff, writing lots of things and I wrote Axelle Red everywhere with hearts. I loved him too much, I was a fan.”

On the occasion of his birthday on February 13, Vianney had even revealed the content of a letter he had sent to him when he was 8 and a half years old: “I really like your songs. My favorites are Sensuality and Always me. I have two records of you. […] I suggest you make a song in Flemish” he had told her. A proposal that “still holds“as he had said in the caption of this post full of nostalgia and self-mockery. If the artistic collaboration with Axelle Red gives stars in the eyes of Vianney, it will stop at the professional level.

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