“I hurt my folklore”, De Temps Antan

The trio De Temps Antan offers us a sixth album, festive and above all electric, to mark its 20e birthday. The expertise of these musicians no longer needs to be demonstrated, nor their knowledge of the repertoire, the group choosing to revisit some classics. However, it is the posture, here, that excites us: De Temps Antan plays folklore as if it were a power rock trio — never have we heard such a look in Berluton Or The reality of the piasses, well-known refrains. The trio plugged their instruments into amps that gave Pierre-Luc Dupuis the look of an electric blues harmonica player; David Boulanger’s bow cuts like the edge of an axe, the Irish bouzouki of Éric Beaudry (ex-La Galvaude, member of the Bottine Souriante like his two accomplices were at one point), passed into effects pedals, unfolds incredible sounds (on Cordwood, among others). Country on the soft Waltz for SooziCajun on The flighty bird / Pierre-Pierre Two Stepthe music here takes on very beautiful colors.

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I hurt my folklore

★★★ 1/2

From Time Yesterday, The Northern Company

To watch on video

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