“I earn up to 100,000 euros per month”

Audience: Can you explain the concept of Miss Esthétique France?

Milla Jasmine: It is “Come as you Are” ! No criteria of size, age, family situation, or prohibition such as tattoos, unlike Miss France who excludes many people. The entire competition, from the castings to the grand finale, will result in a ninety-minute documentary. We will discover the chosen one of the jury and the public, chosen on simple favorites for her career and the speech given.

What is your role in the project?

I will co-host the program with columnist Jean-Michel Maire, but I also intervene in the report by interviewing the candidates. I will follow them in their daily lives, in their trainings to learn to walk, indeed in their daily lives, in their trainings to learn to walk, to express themselves well … show, opening the contest to transgender people. I don’t see why they shouldn’t have a place there too.

“We can do without surgery to be successful”

Because of the 15,000 euros in aesthetic treatments offered to the winner, you are accused of promoting surgery. What do you answer?

We never forced surgery on anyone. These are treatments that are offered, so it can be drainages, massages, mesotherapy … And surgery if the person wishes. In no case is there an incentive to have an operation, it is even the opposite of the concept. I am very happy that we are all different.

However, we cannot say that reality TV is very diverse in terms of physics …

The concern is that the girls who enter reality TV today feel that they have to go through surgery to be successful. I don’t want to judge them, it would be cheeky because I had my buttocks, breasts, mouth, everything redone! But that was before I went on TV, that’s not what pushed me there. My message is that this is not an end in itself. Some girls, admittedly in the minority, have never used it, such as Jessica Errero or Montaine Mounet. And they are hot!

“Feeling the desire of men gave me confidence”

Personally, you do not regret anything?

No, I did it to restore my self-confidence, at a time of my life when I was a gogo dancer and we are not going to lie to each other, it was more sales to have big buttocks and big breasts. Afterwards, it is sure that the techniques have evolved a lot. Today I would probably do it differently.

You are known to be volcanic, but also very funny. Where does this strong temperament come from?

We were five brothers and sisters at home! And I was right in the middle, so you had to know how to make yourself heard. And then at age 9, the family broke up. We went to England and there I really had to take on the role of the eldest. Besides, I didn’t speak English, it was hard. We stayed for three years and came back, but we kept moving because my mom grew up with travelers and kept this habit of moving all the time. I was always the new one, it develops a character.

You then became a gogo dancer… Was it a real choice?

When I arrived in the United States at only 21, I had no papers, so I took what there was! It gave me a lot of self-confidence to be wanted by men, but I didn’t take it for a long time, because people mistake it for prostitution. Besides, I was accused of having been an escort, which is totally false.

In six years of TV, you have been with Nikola Lozina, Vincent Shogun, Julien Bert, Nacca, Paga, Anthony Alcaraz, Mujdat… and we are done! Is everything true?

I am a real artichoke heart! But don’t confuse a kiss with a relationship. I have the galoche fastoche, that’s it! (Laughs.) After it is true that all producers dream of having a couple in their program, they are happy to be able to say to each other: “I created a real story”. We are never told about it, we are forced even less, but we feel that this is what they expect …

Are you in a relationship at the moment?

Yes, but the only thing I can tell you is that his name is Lorenzo, that he is not part of this environment and that he makes me very happy. I would like to have a big family, like the one in which I grew up … Well already a child, it will be not bad!

Why did you go to Dubai too?

We’re not going to lie to each other, why stay in a country where you take 60% of what you earn when here, they take almost nothing? But it’s not just that. In Dubai, the weather is fine all year round and above all, it is very secure. You want to go out without being afraid of wearing a watch or having your handbag ripped off.

Can we get an idea of ​​what you have earned every month?

I earn between 20,000 and 100,000 euros per month. We don’t have a landline. But indeed, during the period of confinement, we won a lot more than ever before. Quite simply because people had only that to do, buy online. What do I do with it? I let you imagine.

Key dates

June 1, 1989

Born in Versailles, Milla has Reunion and Italian origins. His childhood was spent in the south of France, in a large blended family.

2. 2015

She made her debut in The Princes of Love. Coming to seduce Gabano, she finally had a love affair with Nikola Lozina.

3. 2019

She becomes very popular thanks to the famous ‘Y’a le mec à Milla’ by Julien Tanti, when Mujdat, her then boyfriend, arrives in The Marseillais vs the Rest of the World while she is dating Nacca.

4. 2022

Broadcast of the documentary on Miss Esthétique France which will reveal the big winner of the competition that she will present.

See also: TRANSFO ALERTE! Milla Jasmine: (re) discover her physical metamorphosis

Interview by Anabelle Gentez

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