“I don’t feel safe everywhere”

On the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, Philippe takes his lunch break with a friend, facing the sea. Originally from Nice, very proud of his region, he completed his studies in dental surgery at the age of 23. For this presidential election, Philippe recognizes himself in several candidates at the same time, sometimes on the right, on the left, in the center or among the ecologists. There is one subject that is of particular concern to him: security.

Nice is the most monitored city in France with one camera per 110 inhabitants. For Philippe, 23, “this proves something, it means that there is an insecurity that is there“. The student of dental surgery finds that Emmanuel Macron “has not fully dealt with this insecurity. There is a real groundwork to be done on this.“, he believes.

I don’t feel safe anywhere“, regrets Philippe. “If I go to Monaco, I feel safe, if I go to Marseille a little less.“The young student has the impression that he can no longer go into”certain neighborhoods“.

I find that there are neighborhoods in Marseille in which we can no longer go. That revolts me.

Philip, 23 years old

at franceinfo

Philip prefers “to avoid“to go to certain neighborhoods that he deems unsafe.”I find it a pity“, he adds.

Politically, Philippe explains that he recognizes himself “in a little bit all political speeches“. The student finds relevant ideas in each of the programs offered. “I find it difficult to find myself there“, he admits.

Like many people of his generation, Philippe does not support a particular political party. “There are several candidates who take up what I think. Emmanuel Macron, Valérie Pécresse…I’m not a fan of extremist ideas.

I also have an ecological conscience but it’s mixed with ideas from the right, from the centre, from the left… I’m on all fronts.

Philip, 23 years old

at franceinfo

Neither right nor left, not centrist, nor environmentalist… Political labels, “To me that doesn’t mean much. I like the ideas of several candidates at the same time. There is not one that I support 100%.

At 23, Philippe admits that he never voted in municipal or departmental elections. “For the presidential election, I motivate myself but for the municipal elections, it is true that I have not been diligent.

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