“I don’t do old-fashioned politics”

Jean-Louis Masson, 58, mayor of La Garde (Var), was until then first vice-president of the Departmental Council. But after the forced resignation of the former president Marc Giraud, condemned by justice in a case of fictitious employment
he was elected this Wednesday, October 26 in a vote at the prefecture. The new president, guest on France Bleu Provence the day after his election, reacts to several subjects: the vote of elected RNs, increased aid for the municipalities, and the standing ovation granted to the convicted former president.

France Bleu Provence: What does this position of president of the Var department mean to you?

Jean Louis Masson : “Listen, the emotion comes from the trust placed in me by my peers. It’s still a sign that touches. Now, we have to get to work and think of the millions of Varoises and Varois, some of whom sometimes go through social or other suffering. I believe that the department is there to protect them. This is the primary mission of a department.”

Was it really an ambition ingrained in you? Even if you benefited from the circumstances, of course, after the forced resignation of Marc Giraud.

“I have only one ambition, that of serving my fellow citizens and serving a territory. I was first vice-president of President Marc Giraud […] But the legal circumstances caused a change of president. Being the interim president, my candidacy was obviously natural. I am only doing a duty of office here.”

27 votes for you, against 19 votes for François de Canson. For him, your election is tainted by the vote of the National Rally. Have there been any arrangements?

“It’s a completely stupid assertion. You have just given the figures: 27 votes against 19. The elected members of the National Rally are two, so I don’t see how they could have influenced the elections. It’s always easy when you loses an election to look for reasons that are futile, even inaccurate. I understand the distress of Mr. de Canson, but this type of statement makes no sense.

You promise to increase financial aid by 20% for the municipalities of the Var. How are you going to choose the municipalities supported?

“I am advancing a figure that I would have advanced to President Marc Giraud if he had been in place, since I was rapporteur for the budget […] It is a real need for municipalities to be able, in the current economic context, to continue to invest in the interests of our fellow citizens. Our citizens need schools, roads, nurseries and structuring projects […] We have the capacity to do it. I don’t see why we wouldn’t. Concerning the attributions, they are made according to rules of fairness and proposed files. So it’s not clientelism. I don’t do old-fashioned politics.”

Found guilty in a case of fictitious jobs at the town hall of Carqueiranne, Marc Giraud received applause and even a standing ovation from the departmental assembly during the vote. It’s normal ?

_”_ This proposal to show our affection for the former president was proposed by the oldest member. I totally agree. He managed the department very well and leaves it in a completely healthy financial situation. […] Humanly, we can understand it, it is strongly affected compared to the brutality of the sanction. We do not pass judgment on the work and respect the independence of judges. But we are entitled, all the same, to maintain our friendship with one of our own who has always been attentive and who, on the county council, has done an effective job.

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