“I am angry, I am disgusted, I am fed up,” laments Marine Tondelier in the face of the impasse in negotiations on the left

While the resignation of Gabriel Attal and all the ministers was accepted by Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday July 16, the left continues to be divided over the candidate to propose for Matignon. “I am angry, I am disgusted, I am fed up. I am tired (…) And I am sorry for the spectacle we are giving to the French people” deplored, in thes “4 vérités” from France 2, the national secretary of Ecologists-EELV, Marine Tondelier Wednesday. “We say nianiania Huguette Bello, nianiania Laurence Tubiana. But we’re going to end up with Laurent Wauquiez in fact”, she continued. Follow our live stream.

Government resigns, management of “current affairs” assured. President Emmanuel Macron accepted on Tuesday the resignation of Gabriel Attal and all the ministers, who are now responsible “the handling of current affairs until the appointment of a new government”, announced the Elysée.

Towards “an action pact”? Gabriel Attal, also leader of the Macronist deputies, affirmed Tuesday on TF1 that he would propose “meetings” to other political groups for “move forward towards [un] action pact” with a view to forming a new government. But he assured that he would not “wouldn’t be” the next Prime Minister.

The NFP has “agreed” on the principle of a single candidate for the presidency of the Assembly. Within the New Popular Front coalition, “We agree on a single candidacy for the perch [la présidence de l’Assemblée nationale]assured the number one of the PS Olivier Faure on Tuesday. “I will not give a name at this stage, but we will have one name,” he added during a press briefing.

Gérald Darmanin calls for introspection. In an interview with Figaro Tuesday, The resigning Minister of the Interior also claims that he “does not wish to chair the party.” “We need to take a breath and step back a bit“, he told the right-wing daily. When he officially leaves Place Beauvau, he declares that he wantsr “see what’s wrong”, “to reflect on” to “errors” macronists and “thinking of a new project”.

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