Human rights | The DNA of Human Consciousness

How about we talk, for a moment, about human rights?

The Human Rights Council (HRC) is currently holding its 53e session in Geneva. Simply put, the HRC discusses human rights situations around the world and makes recommendations about them.

Let us recall, on the one hand, that these rights are said to be universal, because their authors come from a melting pot of origins and cultures combined: in the absence of being able to claim any nationality, these rights possess them all and thus , they are intrinsic to each individual.

On the other hand, they are inseparable, interdependent and interrelated, because all rights, whether civil, political, economic, social or cultural, must prevail on the same equal footing. Indeed, what would be the value of the right to enjoy the highest attainable standard of health if an individual is deprived of all freedom of expression?

Any being deprived of their fundamental rights and freedoms is in reality a being stripped of all dignity.

And when dignity is gone, the value and attachment we attribute to life plummets, hence the importance of paying particular and constant attention to human rights situations on a global scale. .

We have the responsibility, in the name of our collective conscience, to protect and promote the common rights that run through our veins and that underpin our human values.

Global Citizenship

That said, the concept of borders and its corollary, state sovereignty, are a creation of human beings: they are intangible concepts, but which, in reality, dictate our international relations with an iron fist. There is no doubt that it is imperative to preserve and cherish the habits and customs specific to each country, because our differences are the source of our curiosity for the Other, but I also believe that any national citizenship implies a dual nationality: that of world citizenship.

The latter thus imposes on us the duty to take an interest in political, social, economic and environmental actions of an international nature and, of course, to ensure the human dignity of each one of us, regardless of where we are on the planet. planet.

Therefore, proudly claiming a nationality should never, ever, cause us to sink into indifference to the state of the rights and freedoms of our international fellow citizens, because to sink into contempt would, in fact, be , a failure of our human conscience.

Even today, our global village has a crying need to strengthen its culture of solidarity and if the UN, more specifically the HRC, sometimes encounters obstacles on the way to mutual aid and unity, it tries, less, according to its failures and its successes, tending towards this ideal.

On the importance of ideals

Without hiding it, the CHR is not impervious to the political game and to that of geopolitics, but we must recognize, at least, the will of the international community to discuss the glaring issues where the human rights situation is criticism, whether or not there is consensus on the outcome of the problem: moving forward with small mouse steps is already much better than indulging in willful blindness, like a mole confined to the limits of its underground galleries.

The world needs idealists to evolve our individual societies and our international society. Of course, we need realists to identify contemporary issues and give the true picture of reality, but it is essential that human beings be led by ideals, because without ideals, there is no advances and without advances, there is no evolution.

The friendship (cooperation) between ALL the peoples is a tangent that remains to be discovered, but whose mathematical formula is at least in the process of being calculated.

Montaigne said that friendship is the last degree of perfection in society.

Let’s believe it.

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