Hugues Aufray: his tender revelations about his brother Francesco, who committed suicide for love

At 92, Hugues Aufray keeps memories of the past. And during a recent interview with our colleagues from CNews, Friday, December 17, 2021, the popular singer confided in a misadventure that marked his life: the suicide of his big brother, Francesco.

After explaining to the show host Time for the pros, Pascal Praud, had never imagined during his childhood being able to live from music, Muriel’s companion then remembered his first steps as a singer. “But I’ve always loved music, I was from a family of classical musicians“, he assured. And to remember about his late brother Francesco:”I didn’t have a daddy, it was my brother, who was one year and eight inches taller than me, who raised me. He had a splendid voice, a natural voice, opera. He studied conducting and he should have made a global career. “A gifted big brother for classical who taught him the basics of classical music.

His brother Francesco, who died for love

But before entering the music industry, Francesco unfortunately took his own life. “My brother, who was like my father, committed suicide at the age of twenty-seven“, said the interpreter of Santiano near Paris Match. And to add, upset: “I was twenty-six and my life was shattered at one point. In fact, I have become professional singer by transfer because I was absolutely not intended to do that.“A suicide explained by a violent depression that his brother Francesco had following a painful breakup:”He fell in love with a fifteen-year-old Chinese girl whose parents said:She will never marry a European ‘. And my brother, who had a dramatic nature, who lived in Wagner, committed suicide for love. “

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