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Tuesday June 7, the eco duel of 23h of franceinfo opposed Christophe Ramaux, economist and teacher at the Sorbonne, to Étienne Lefebvre, editor-in-chief of the newspaper Les Échos. They debated about the crisis in the hospitals.
“We need to overhaul the entire healthcare system”says Christophe Ramaux, economist and teacher at the Sorbonne, Tuesday, June 7. “In recent years, before the Covid crisis, France was the leader among OECD countries in limiting health spending”he explains. “It is in the emergency room that there is the real crisis today”notes Étienne Lefebvre, editor-in-chief of the newspaper Les Échos.
“This is where all the dysfunctions of the health system are concentrated. When it goes badly in the city medicine and in the hospital, it all ends up in the emergency room”continues Etienne Lefebvre. “In just over twenty years, we have more than doubled the number of emergency room visits”, he said. In 1996, there were 10.1 million emergency room visits, compared to 22 million in 2019. “The solution is to find alternatives so that people can be treated without the need to systematically resort to emergencies”he believes.