How to manage your stress before an exam?

The month of December is never easy for students: between the end-of-year celebrations and revisions, stress skyrockets at this time of year. To manage your stress before an exam, there are many tips… Here are a few, which will help you for sure!

#1. Know your lessons well and practice
It is important to know your classes well. Prepare yourself well in advance, by making summary sheets or diagrams. The day before the exam, carefully re-read your files or lessons.

Moreover, last-minute revisions are not effective! On the contrary, they tend to increase stress!

#2. Get organized
In order not to be caught off guard and not to stress more, organization is THE key word. The day before, check the travel time, prepare your outfit and your bag so you don’t forget anything. Also think about your official documents and a snack to take strength during the exam.

To be really serene, try to arrive a quarter of an hour in advance to compensate for any unforeseen events.

#3. Allow yourself moments of relaxation
Before the test, it is essential to take time for yourself. To do this, you can take breaks by doing things you like: reading, sports, music… The whole thing is to get a change of air, have fun and release the pressure!

#4. Sleep well and eat a balanced diet
During exams, sleep is crucial: to memorize and concentrate, the brain needs to rest around 9 hours a night. So avoid having an all-nighter just before the exam to revise!
A healthy, balanced and nutrient-rich diet is also very important for the proper functioning of your brain.

#5. Perform breathing, relaxation and meditation exercises
To relax and manage your emotions, you can perform breathing, relaxation and meditation exercises.
One of the most useful techniques to regain calm is cardiac coherence: for 5 seconds, breathe in through your nose, then exhale through your mouth as if you are blowing through a straw, also for 5 seconds.

#6. Being confident in one’s self
The main thing is above all to gain self-confidence! Don’t hesitate to recite positive affirmations to yourself before the exam, such as “I’ll do it” or “I can do it”. Also become aware of your own possibilities and talents! You can also take a lucky charm or any object you particularly care about to give you strength.

#7 Consult when necessary

In case of generalized anxiety, consulting a psychologist specializing in cognitive and behavioral therapy may be a real solution. So do not hesitate to talk about it with your doctor or school doctor.


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