How to equip yourself for gardening all year round

This text is part of the special book Plaisirs

Who doesn’t dream of having good fresh vegetables all year round? However, the Quebec winter complicates our task. Fortunately, there are several solutions to adopt for growing herbs, leafy vegetables and microgreens at home, for all budgets. So here are four options for gardeners of all skill levels.

The simple and effective

In autumn and winter, decreasing light is extremely difficult for plants. To create an effective basic system, it is therefore necessary to focus first on the lighting. We recommend a two-tube fluorescent lamp, model T8 or T12. For lighting that will last longer, you can get an LED lamp. All that remains is to hang them above a shelf so that your plants will thrive! To simplify life, we have an automatic timer that turns off the lights after 2 p.m. You can also get an indoor mini greenhouse and add your light source to it. The greenhouse will keep the humidity of your plants: a winning combination! Use a quality potting mix and be sure to provide ample irrigation.


For those who are ready to invest more, there are many all-in-one models on the market. These growing systems include both irrigation, lighting and growing area. You just have to insert your plants and place the system on a flat surface, nothing could be simpler. The two models below come in several sizes, depending on how many plants you want to grow.

The trendy

The popular kitchen farms allow you to grow multiple vegetables and herbs at the same time. In the form of large vertical or circular towers, they work by hydroponics or with pockets of substrate. Among the most popular models are the edible green walls of Vertikaroma and the towers of Tower Garden. Other very aesthetic models are incorporated directly into your furniture. This is the case of the Hirta shelf, from Studio île, a Quebec company.

The microgreens germinator

Young shoots are a perfect addition to salads and sandwiches. Delicious and nutritious, they are also easy to grow at home! Several types of germinators are available to you. Both discreet and modern, the Bivita mini greenhouses fit into your decor. The glass dome ensures full brightness and ventilation is integrated into the base. For seeds that produce a gelatinous substance on contact with water, such as basil, arugula, flax, yellow mustard, white mustard, chia or camelina, opt for a germination dish instead.

You just have to choose the best option for your indoor gardening needs!

This special content was produced by the Special Publications team of the Duty, pertaining to marketing. The drafting of Duty did not take part.

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