how is the election perceived in Italy, Germany and Russia?

In a column published Thursday, April 21 in the newspaper The world (article reserved for subscribers), the German, Spanish and Portuguese heads of government have called for the choice of the “democratic candidate” against the attacks on freedom and democracy. An implicit call to vote Emmanuel Macron and proof that the presidential election is closely scrutinized by other European countries. Direction Italy, Germany and Russia to see how the presidential election is perceived.

In Italy, divergent positions in the government

Lately, Italy and France have come closer together but, on the political spectrum, the positions are divergent. In Italy the government is made up of practically all the parties from the extreme right to the anti-system through the Democratic Party. The head of the latter Enrico Letta warns because he believes that “If Le Pen wins, it will be a much bigger victory for Putin than the conquest of Ukraine and a political earthquake in Europe”. Among the supporters of President Macron, the former head of government Matteo Renzi but also Silvio Berlusconi. On the other hand, Giuseppe Conte at the head of the anti-system of the 5 Star movement, of which a fringe supported the yellow vests, does not take sides. Unlike Matteo Salvini who supports his friend Marine Le Pen, their parties sit together in Brussels.

For his part, Mario Draghi did not participate in the forum published in The world. But it is signed by leaders all affiliated to the same Party of European Socialists (PES). It is an initiative of political parties, we are told in Italy. For once, Mario Draghi does not have a party and we have understood it well, he also leads a heterogeneous government. But for all that, some commentators point out that Mario Draghi is trying to make Italy more heard on the European and world stage. If Mario Draghi salutes the European activism of Emmanuel Macron, which he really appreciates, he too wants to play this card. A possible narrow victory for Emmanuel Macron could give greater political space to Draghi’s Italy.

In Germany, fear of the far right

Like five years ago, the presence of Marine Le Pen in the second round is causing extreme concern across the Rhine. It is reinforced all the more since in the last days of this campaign the candidate of the National Rally has attacked Germany a lot. “If she wins, France would become another country. And Europe another continent”can we read in Der Spiegel. The weekly details its program which it summarizes as follows: “It’s a voluntary return to a past that many thought was over.” She wants, as she says, “break the supposed domination of Germany. Make national law prevail over European law. Renegotiate the Schengen area”. It is “the cancer of nationalism” of which Marine Le Pen is the figurehead, judges the economic daily Handelsblatt. “Will France soon be without a European flag?”ask the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ). The Frankfurt daily which talks about “Le Pen nightmare” whose warning Berlin would do well to take seriously and prepare for as its plans are known. They are the same as those of Vladimir Putin, the newspaper claims, and would aim to destroy the European Union from within.

Germany broadcast on a public channel on Wednesday evening live and in simultaneous translation the debate between the two rounds between the two candidates. This duel did not reassure the commentators. “There was no clear winner”according to Handelsblatt. The business daily wonders if “the favorite Emmanuel Macron has managed to convince enough young people and voters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon”. The newspaper explains their “temptation to vote Marine Le Pen out of frustration”. The weekly Der Spiegel saw “a serene candidate facing an offensive president”. And give him the point. It can be read in the title:Advantage Macron”.

In Russia, Marine Le Pen seen as a golden candidate

The Russian media are focused on the war in Ukraine and its consequences, but the French elections still have a place in the news bulletins of Russian federal channels. Especially since the two candidates have regularly expressed their positions towards Russia. Looking at Russian newspapers, there is no doubt that Marine Le Pen is preferred to Emmanuel Macron in Moscow. Candidate Macron is described as an unpopular, aggressive president unable to play by the rules of Wednesday night’s debate. As for the candidate of the National Rally, she is described, on the contrary, as popular and above all, as the closest to the positions of the Kremlin. Her recognition of the annexation of Crimea, her opposition to sanctions against Russian gas and oil make her a golden candidate for Moscow. Even if his last remarks, criticizing the war in Ukraine and saying he was in favor of sanctions against Russia, did not fail to be noted by journalists.

The French presidential election is important for Russians because the Russian president still seems far from having finished his military operation in Ukraine. Isolated by the Europeans, Vladimir Putin would undoubtedly know how to use the appearance of a European leader ready to share his vision of the world to his advantage. Or at least, ready to put his actions into perspective. The stakes are all the more important since the Kremlin was deprived of its influential media in our country.

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