How about a Canadian Trump?

Opinions are divided on the possibility of seeing the emergence of a political leader of the caliber of Donald Trump in Canada. Here is an overview of the emails received following the editorial by Alexandre Sirois, published on Sunday, February 20 in the Context section.

Posted at 2:00 p.m.

A swipe to the right

There will probably never be a Trump-style Canadian prime minister. But the shift to the right is already present and this tendency is accelerated by the cynicism and the inconstancy of a political thought which evolves at the rate of the polls and the intrinsic need to be elected or re-elected. This cynicism is eroding public trust, which is no longer reflected in government philosophy. There are many examples of political illogicality: Trans Mountain, the third link, the REM without real consultation, the delay in environmental laws, etc. Governments therefore create their own political opponents, and some of them are potentially dangerous.

Marc Couturier

Economic disparities

I believe it can happen for a reason: the gap between rich and poor. And the new poor are becoming too numerous from year to year. The current context (cost of gasoline, inaccessibility to property and suitable housing, etc.) will lead some to wish for the arrival of a pseudo-savior like Trump.

Guy Poudrier

Other ways to express yourself…

I find it rather sad and distressing that, in order to be heard and come out of the shadows, these admirers of an authoritarian regime must appeal to a leader of the Trump lineage. We need to find a way to let them express themselves and to listen to them without having to violate the codes of propriety. Wishfulthinking ?

Hugues Beauregard

Let’s listen to Camus

“Any form of contempt, if it intervenes in politics, prepares or establishes fascism”, wrote Albert Camus in The rebellious man. Why not try to understand the emotional meaning of contempt, both in people who exercise it and in those who suffer it? Perhaps we would find a way to limit the extremes.

Yves Brissette, Joliette

A new course

Have you seen any parents taking the Anti-Authority 101 course in Ottawa? The children there learned to hate politicians, journalists and the mean police. And what about the language used to teach them well? Pitiful. It is time to add duties and respect to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Rejean Career

Americanized English Canada

I believe more and more that there would be a danger in having an extreme right-wing leader in Canada, because English Canada is closer to American ideas than Quebec, because of its language and its values. rather Latin and European which keep it sheltered from the current American trend. That being said, you can never say never, as Quebec is a state that is known for following the flavor of the day. We saw it in Ottawa recently.

Richard Fontaine, Dudswell

No, not possible

There will be no Canadian Trump. Historically, central government in Canada has been run by politicians who do not stray far from the centre. The Canadian voter is essentially moderate. Throughout our history, central power has been shared between liberals and conservatives only. In my opinion, the little crisis we have just suffered is not representative of a new trend towards extremism. This demonstration is the affair of a very small group of radicalized individuals who have succeeded in rallying supporters in a population overwhelmed by the health measures which seem interminable. These are about a thousand people encouraged by an extremist fringe which manifests itself through social networks and which has made the demonstrators believe that they are supported by the population when in reality the vast majority of Canadians disapprove of this demonstration.

Tim Huot

Yes it’s possible

Yes, it is possible in Alberta.

Jocelyn Lapierre

Political corruption

It is important to mention that unlike Canada, the United States has succeeded in legalizing political corruption, particularly with Super PAC. The American political face would be completely different with rules on contributions similar to those in force in Canada. It is therefore to be hoped that a person as narcissistic and dangerous as Trump cannot be elected in Canada.

Chantal Rougerie

Let’s take care

It would be harmful for our democracy to believe that Trumpism is far from us. That more of us want to protect our backs does not guarantee anything, because hate speech is gaining momentum and ensuring popularity for propagandists. Our mistake is to look down on it and do nothing dazzling to promote our democracy.

Michael Provencher

Let’s be lucid and vigilant

We would be wrong to believe that our fools are less stupid than those of the United States. Ignorance, intellectual and cultural poverty, the very difficult living conditions of a disadvantaged part of society and the influence of social networks could just as well create favorable conditions for the emergence of Canadian Trumpism. Let’s be lucid and vigilant.

Michel Duchesneau

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