Housing in Occitan

You say the ostal. Es l’ostal that is said in lenga nòstra. The ostal can also designate the private mansion. That said, you have other words in Occitan to talk about the house: the word ostau

is understood in Gascony just like the house, or even the casa. Home is good for resting on weekends. Mas dempuèi aquesta crisi sanitària, the ostal es vengut heard him per trabalhar during the setmana. Translation: since the health crisis, the home has become the place where you can work during the week.

Precisely, do you know how to say telework in Occitan?

Disètz lo teletrabalh (o teletrabalh in Occitan from Gasconha). Not everyone lives in a house, they only live in an apartament / some live in an apartment. Cossí que vire / whatever the case, en ostal o en apartament, i aurà totjorn las parets. Ten, question brave mond, que es aquò una paret? Responsa, una paret, it’s a wall. Paret that you can bring closer to the wall. Precisely, a wall lighter than a wall is a partition. The partition is said in Occitan lo buget. Not to be confused with the word budget (as in French: budget).

What if we were talking about the rooms in your apartment or house?

You have the sala de manjar. La sala de manjar is the dining room. Cosina is cooking. At night / night or at night, sleep in la cambra or la cramba. La cambra o la cramba is the bedroom in Occitan. La sala de banh o la sala d’aiga is the bathroom. Finally, you have the toilet. In lenga nòstra, parlam dels comuns, los comuns. Finally, unlike French, the word ostal or ostau is used in the masculine language in Occitan (” a ” house between quotation marks, un ostal / un ostau). Les Mots d’Oc is also on France Bleu point fr.

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