Housing crisis | The balance of power is on the side of the tenants, says Éric Duhaime

(Quebec) Despite the current housing crisis, it is Quebec tenants who have the short end of the stick compared to owners, proclaims Conservative Leader Éric Duhaime. He argues that the regulatory framework is already very strict for those who own buildings and that we should not add another layer with Bill 65.

“In Quebec, there is already a much greater balance of power for tenants than for owners than anywhere else among our neighbors,” said Éric Duhaime at a press briefing on Thursday.

According to him, there are already too many standards and regulations governing what owners can and cannot do.

“Homeowners cannot exponentially increase their housing. They can’t oust people for the sake of it. They can’t ask for a security deposit to protect themselves if people flee. In Quebec, it is so regulated that owners cannot take advantage of the scarcity of housing,” he maintains.

“Not the Wild West”

The conservative leader summoned the press to mark his opposition to Bill 65 tabled Wednesday by the Minister of Housing, France-Helaine Duranceau, which aims to impose a three-year moratorium on evictions and to better protect senior tenants .

“We find it discouraging to see the Coalition Avenir Québec taking inspiration from Québec solidaire to violate the rights of rental property owners in Quebec. […] Everything is already very standardized in Quebec, it’s not the Wild West,” he says.

According to Éric Duhaime, we must deregulate and liberalize the real estate market in Quebec to stimulate construction.

The bill also intends to expand the “Françoise David law” to increase the age for protection against evictions from 70 to 65 years old.

Éric Duhaime believes that this measure will encourage discrimination against seniors. “If owners have the choice between taking someone 65 years old or 30 years old, they will take someone 30 years old,” he maintains.

” Totalitarian regime ”

During the press briefing, the Conservative leader was accompanied by the former president of the Old Quebec Business People, Jean-Pierre Du Sault.

The latter fears that the State will take more and more place to the detriment of free enterprise.

“As an entrepreneur, it worries me for future generations. What do we want? Do we want a totalitarian regime? We want the government to control all housing? Is this really what we want in Quebec? » asked the man who owns around a hundred homes.

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